Gwen Ferreira

Gwen is a E-RYT500, RPYT and YACEP Yoga Teacher based on Nusa Lembongan island (Bali). She is teaching drop-in classes, yoga retreats and teacher trainings at Yoga Bliss Lembongan since 2016 and teaches Yoga since 2014.

She took her first yoga class over 15 years ago and is a dedicated Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Restorative practitioner.

After becoming a yoga teacher, she dedicated a lot of time and money to her own growth as a yoga teacher trainer. She continued training in Ashtanga Yoga but also in Ayurveda, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa, Sound Healing, Yoga Therapy, Yoga Anatomy, Pranayama, Restorative Yoga, Prenatal, Kids Yoga, Philosophy…  You got it, she is passionate about yoga!

Gwen teaches Ashtanga and Restorative Yoga classes, Anatomy courses for 200 and 300 hours YTTC, traditional Pranayama and Meditation.

As Gwen is also a business coach and strategist, she helps yoga teachers create their own businesses and make a living teaching yoga.

Lisa Nelson

With more than a decade of combined practice and teaching experience, Lisa was initially drawn to yoga through the physical practice of asana. She doesn't have a background in athletics or dance, and actually when she started to practice yoga it was because an assessment at her local gym deemed her a 1 out of 5 in the flexibility category. In fact, she couldn't even touch her toes!

One of the most prominent beliefs that she holds as a teacher is that we are first and foremost a student. This belief has led her to complete several teacher trainings across a variety of categories and styles, and continues to do so presently. She loves that courses, such as the ones offered here, are available to be done remotely so that more people have access to education. 

Her teaching is completely focused on meeting students where they are at, in the present moment. She believes that with this constant assessment, she is able to help students find the practice that best serves them, as opposed to fitting the student to the practice. When not studying Yoga philosophy, spirituality, or the biomechanics of the human body; she loves to travel the world to experience new places and cultures .